Chakra Balancing Appointments

Ancient Sanskrit texts define a chakra as being a point in the body where energy channels (216 to be exact) converge, forming a spiral of energy. They are spinning vortices of spiritual energy essential to the emotional, physical and mental functions of the physical and etheric human body (mind, body and soul). There are thousands of smaller chakra on the body, but these 7 main chakra points of convergence are the ones we need to most focus upon. Chakras receive and transmit energy all the time, whatever we go through, they are affected.

Sometimes life’s ups and downs can leave us all out of sorts, feeling out of balance and in need of a “re-set” and cleanse of the dross we’ve accumulated. Do you feel all or any of these things?:

  • Exhausted
  • Anxious in general
  • Emotional Snappy
  • Ungrounded Emotionally oversensitive
  • Emotionally blocked
  • Mentally fried
  • Heavy hearted
  • Disconnected
  • Restless but not sure why
  • Vague sense of dissatisfaction
  • Directionless
Well, if you do, there is nothing to worry about, you are just human! We all feel less than wonderful at times for all kinds of reasons and often after a series of events that leave us drained.
Our chakras can accumulate negative energy just as easily as positive, and can become slowed or blocked.
A good chakra cleanse and balance with me will help you to feel stronger and clearer on every level, and more able to cope with whatever life throws at you too. I can do this in person or distantly at a prearranged time or while you sleep.
The cleansing can take between 30-45 minutes.

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